Monday, September 23, 2013

Make The Most Of Each Opportunity

Ephesians 5:15-16

Dear Heavenly Father,

What a wonderful scripture for me to read today.

"Be very careful, then how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."  Ephesians 5:15-16

As a stay at home mom I feel like I should have plenty of time for everything.  I spend most of my days at home so shouldn't I be able to get more done?  Unfortunately, my to-do list each day never gets completed, but this verse has me thinking, Lord, on whether or not I'm making the most of every opportunity.  Time is valuable.  That is one of the big reasons why we have chosen for me to be at home with the kids.  This time with them will be gone before we know it.  Spending time with our children is one of the most valuable things in the whole world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

I mentioned to my husband just last night something that had been on my mind ever since I heard his sermon that day on heaven.  The absolute worst thing in the world for me would be for one of my children to go to hell.  The thought literally makes me sick.  So why in the world, Lord, would I not do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen?  I believe You are the ultimate One who can work on someone's heart and soul, but I also believe You ask parents to do all they can to train their children in the way they should go so that when they are older they will not depart from it.  You put responsibilities on us as parents to play a huge role in the salvation of our children.  That is why there is no way I could let my children walk out the door at 7:30 in the morning only to return at 4:30....that is unless they are involved in an extra curricular activity after school and then we are looking at 6:30 at night.  It would then be time for dinner, homework, baths, and bed.  Just like that the day is done.  When did I get the chance to talk with my kids about You, Lord?  Where was there time to work on building their character or teaching them hard work?  Where was there time to spend talking with them, finding out what was on their mind or on their heart?  Not that it's impossible for a child to leave home all day and still follow You, Lord, but if You've intrusted these kids to me and have asked me to train them in the way they should go, then shouldn't it be ME who does that and not some childcare worker, or a teacher, or a coach?  Shouldn't it be ME?  So when this verse says to make the most of every opportunity I am going to do that by taking every opportunity that I can to spend with my kids.

Many people worry about socialization.  I understand that parents don't want their children to be weird or to not fit in with their peers, but my question is....Where in the Bible do You tell us to make sure that we socialize our children?  Does the Bible say to train a child in the way they should go so that they do not depart from it, but make sure they spend plenty of time with other children so that they will not be a social misfit?  No! It's not in the Bible.  This is what it does say in the Bible...

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Doing this is not possible if my children are away from me for 8-10 hours a day.  I suppose I could send a note to school making sure that the teacher impresses on my children to love You, Lord, while they are sitting, walking, laying down, or getting up.  I think that would probably be considered weird too, though.

If other parents are able to make sure their children are following You, Lord, while their kids are away at daycare or at school, then all power to them.  I personally am just not able to take that risk.  I understand that I can not keep my children in a bubble.  I think a lot depends on the age of the child and the spiritual maturity of a child.  A 16 year old can handle peer pressure and deciphering right from wrong a whole lot easier than a 5 year old.  I truly believe that our days priority should be to train our children not to socialize our children and therefore our day will resemble that priority.  The number one thing on my list each day will always be my family. 

The scripture says to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.  I understand this verse to mean that the devil can creep into my daily routine very easily if I'm not careful.  Maybe being lazy or not being productive with my day.  Maybe spending time gossiping instead of spreading the Good News.  Maybe getting too caught up in a television show instead of sitting on the floor playing with my kids.  I don't think about those things being evil while I'm doing them, but this verse shows me otherwise.

It is very true, Lord, that on a day that I get a lot done I go to sleep exhausted but feeling good about myself.  Thank you, Lord for this verse and the reminder that our time each day is valuable.  It is a gift that should be used and not wasted.  It is a special blessing from You, that You want me to take advantage of.  Thank You for the passion You have put on my heart to serve You through being a wife and mom and making the most of my time each day doing just that.  Thank You for the reminder of making the most of each opportunity and not letting the devil creep into my day.  I pray that I make You proud today.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.
 *From Google pictures*

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Live As Children of Light

Ephesians 5:8-10

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know my heart, Lord, and You know how crazy the last few days have been.  Nothing out of the ordinary has gone on but my mind has been racing.  The wheels have been turning non-stop and I haven't been able to turn them off.  Thank You, Lord, for moments like this when I can focus on something else.  Something much more important and something that makes me feel a whole lot better. You.

I was reading Ephesians 5 today and fell in love.  I've read these words several times in my life but I felt like I was reading some of them for the first time today.   I feel like I could read Ephesians 5 over and over again and learn something new each time.  The verses I wanted to pull out today were Ephesians 5:8-10.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord."

These verses really spoke to my heart in a number of ways today, Lord.  Any verse about children always grabs my attention because I am around children all day watching how they interact with the world and how their little mind works.  When You tell us to be like children I often think of the precious innocent hearts of my two little ones and know that's what You want from me.

Live as children of light which means consisting of all goodness, righteousness, and truth.  What exactly does that look like, Lord?  My two year old does not run around all day being good or righteous.  Thankfully, he hasn't learned to lie yet, but I'm guessing we aren't far from that either.  But he battles with me daily pushing the boundaries and testing the waters.  But I will say that he sees the world in a totally different light than I do and his love for others shines through him.  For example, in his eyes no person is any better than the next.  A wealthy, well dressed man could be standing next to a fellow who is homeless and my son would not treat one better than the other.  Typically my son is very shy, but I remember last Halloween we dressed him up as a Cardinal's baseball player and went to the retirement home that his great grandma is at to do a little trick-or-treating.  When we walked in the door the first person to greet us was a man in ratty old clothes, long hair, long beard, a patch over one eye, several tattoos, and sitting in a wheel chair because he only had one leg.  This man in a very deep voice with no smile at all looked at my son and said, "Happy Halloween."  I thought for sure that my son was going to be scared.  I was a bit scared myself to be honest.  I just knew that my son would cling to my leg and try to hide his face as we walked passed this man.  I was even afraid that he would have nightmares from meeting him, but I wasn't thinking like a child.  I was seeing the outside appearance of the man and making my own judgments about him.  My son didn't.  He smiled and waved and said, "Happy Halloween" back to him then walked on in the building.  I was shocked, and a little bit embarrassed at myself for my own thoughts.  When we went to leave the retirement home that old man still sat by the door and my son went up and gave him a high five and told him bye.  I definitely took a lesson from my lil man that day.

Another example from a child is that they hate to see people hurting.  On occassion, when we need my lil man to do something for us and he won't do it, my husband will act as if my son's disobedience makes him so sad that he actually starts crying.  My son hates to see his daddy crying and he will quickly do whatever it is that his daddy asked of him just to make sure his daddy is happy again.  Am I this way, Lord.  Do I do all I can to make sure that others aren't sad?  Do I try to help others to bring them happiness?  Do I do all that I can to make sure I don't bring You sadness, Lord?

That brings me to the last part of the scripture that really tugs at my heart...."And find out what pleases the Lord."

A few months after my husband and I got married my husband got sick.  He had a fever, chills, upset stomach, and he felt just plain miserable.  I remember calling his mom to ask her what my husbands likes to eat when he his sick.  French toast was her response so I made a special trip to the store to get the fixin's for french toast and hustled home to prepare it for my sweet hubby.  I made a special effort to find out what pleases my husband so that I could make him happy, and that is exactly how You want us to be for You, Lord.  You tell us several ways in the Bible that we can make You happy.  Unfortunately, they aren't easy tasks but I need to focus on them more because pleasing You is the greatest thing in all the world.  Being nice to someone who isn't nice to me is easier to do when I have the mindset that I'm working to bring You happiness.  Biting my tongue instead of lashing out in anger is easier to do because I know it will make You happy.  If I stay in Your Word and keep You on my mind always, then I will be more likely to follow through on these hard tasks and it will make You happy.

I pray, Lord, that You show me how to live as a child of light.  Teach me how to be good, righteous, and truthful.  Put opportunities in my life that I can practice these qualities and help me improve on them each day.  And, Lord, I pray that I make You proud, not because it will make me feel good, but because it will make You happy.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.
 *From Google pictures*

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

His Possessions Were Not His Own

Acts 4:32

Dear Heavenly Father,

I remember when my husband and I were just a few weeks away from being married and we got the keys to what would be our first home together.  It was a less than 1,000 square foot little triplex home that was as cute as a button.  Looking back I remember thinking that there is no way we are gonna be able to fill that place.  We had the bare essentials like a bed, dresser, dinning room table, couch, and TV, but nothing more.  There were definitely no decorations.  I was coming from living with my parents where my mom might as well of been a professional home decorator.  She had the old Americana theme in their house and every room had the perfect decor with even certain decorations that she rotated depending on the season.  I thought for sure that it would take years....decades even to collaborate that much stuff.  I figured we needed to get used to plain walls and lots of wide open spaces, but boy was I wrong.  We only lived in that triplex for three months before buying our first home and when we went to move I was amazed at how much stuff we had accumulated.  Now, four years later in our own home, with two kids, I am constantly trying to find creative ways to organize all of our stuff.  But as I sit here in the quiet of our home and look around to all that we have I am reminded that none of this is mine.

"Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of his possessions were his own, but instead help everything in common."  Acts 4:32

Everything is Yours, Lord.  Everything that sits in our home.  Everything that sits in our yard outside.  Everything that is said to be in my name is Yours.  Although, it is very easy to look at it all as mine, and want to keep it for myself, that is the wrong attitude to have.  So many times I have withheld from someone because I believed I deserved it more than them.  I worked for it, and I took care of it, so I deserve it.  If I would've looked at the money in my pocket as Yours, Lord, instead of mine then maybe I would've been more willing to help someone in need.  I don't know why I cling so tightly to "my things."  There isn't going to be a place for them when I get to heaven, anyway.

I heard a story of a man who was old in age and about to die.  He told his wife to put all his gold into a bag and hang it in the attic.  His thinking was that when he dies his spirit can grab the bag on the way to heaven.  Well, the old man passed away not long after his wife had done what he had asked of her.  After his funeral the wife remembered the bag of gold in the attic and she went to see if it was still there.  As she opened the door to the attic and peaked in she saw the bag of gold still hanging there.

"I knew I should've hung it in the basement," she thought.

All kidding aside, I know that my possessions on earth cannot go to heaven and they mean nothing in heaven.  So then why do I continue to collect more and more things and yet give less and less. 

It seems to be getting increasingly harder, Lord, to give the more kids we get.  I find myself wanting my children to have it all.  I don't want them to miss out on a thing so at times when we don't necessarily have the money I am still out buying them a new outfit, or getting them a new educational toy to do in homeschooling.  But looking back on my childhood it's not the things that I remember, its the memories of the time spent with my family. 

I had no idea if I was dressed to impressed as a kid.  I always had plenty of presents at birthdays and Christmas' even though, looking back, we were quite poor.  But it wasn't the toys that I remember.  No...I remember the days we would go outside and build a snowman in the snow.  I would remember helping mom bake a cake and then getting to lick the bowel when we were done.  I remember eating dinner together every night, and going to church together every Sunday.  I remember dad throwing me into bed at night and singing to me in the morning to wake me up.  I remember playing wiffle ball with my brothers outside and playing balloon ball inside.  I remember mom taking us to the pool in the summer, and cramming into dads small truck to go to school in the winter.  I remember all the wonderful things we did as a family, but I could not tell You what I got for Christmas when I was 10 years old....or 11....or 12.  I have no idea and that's because even as a kid the things didn't matter.  And they aren't going to matter to my kids either.  You have blessed them with so much, Lord.  What I need to remember is to not let the things of the world take place of the memories we are making.  And what better memories for my kids to make than seeing what it's like to give to others.

My husband and I have been helped financially by many people as we deal with the typical struggles of a young family starting out.  Others have been willing to give to us without expecting anything in return and my husband and I have already decided that we want to work hard now so we can have money when we are older to give just like those who have given to us.  We want to be able to help young families in need.  We want to be able to help our children when they need it.  But who's to say we can't start that kind of giving now.  Yes, our budget is tight, especially with two kids, but just like I'm creative in trying to organize all our stuff, I can also be creative in trying to help someone else. 

I ask, Lord, that You help me to be more willing to give to others.  Help me to see that You are the owner of all I have.  Please fill my mind with ideas in helping others and maybe in the process of helping others they will see You and want to learn more about You.  Thank You, Lord, for this reminder today and this scripture.  I pray I make You proud today.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.

*From Google pictures*

Monday, September 16, 2013

Lightning and Thunder

James 1:2-4

To My Dearest Lord Jesus,

As I look outside I see storm clouds rolling in.  The wind has picked up and the temperature has dropped.  Before long it is going to rain.  Is it going to be a light rain or is it going to be a storm?  A storm that brings destruction, a storm that causes pain, a storm that I will remember for a lifetime?

Over and over again in my life I have felt the storm clouds roll in.  Slowly but surely, one thing after another begins to go wrong.  Someone is sick, the bills aren't getting paid, our job isn't going well, our family isn't getting along.  All of it builds up and I end up feeling like I'm in a raging war.  I call out to You, Lord.  I pray and pray and I feel Your comfort, but it only lasts for a little while because I again lose sight of You.  I start remembering just how bad the storm is.  I worry.  I lose sleep.  I get cranky and agitated toward my loved ones.  I feel like I'm trying to keep myself from being blown away in the wind.  Trying to simply survive.  Why are there days like this?  Why can't every day be easy?  Why can't every day be sunny with the birds chirping, kids playing outside, a cool breeze on my face?  Why do there have to be days like this?  The pain, the struggles.  And when will it end?

I know, Lord, that rain is a part of life.  The rain allows for things that were once small and weak to become big and strong.  It allows for things that were beginning to wilt to become like new again.  But if the rain is so good, Lord, then why do I get scared when I know a storm is coming?  What makes me focus on the lightning and thunder and not the beautiful growth that comes after the storm? 

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31

Eagles are amazing creatures and there is a lot that we can learn from them.  Maybe that is why You mention them so many times in the Bible.  One of the many things we can learn from eagles is how to face a storm for eagles are not scared of storms.  They know exactly how to handle a storm each time one arrives.  They don't try to fly away from the storm.  They don't try to hide.  Eagles fly directly into the storm.  They fly into the storm and allow the pressure and wind from the storm to carry them which gives them a chance to rest their wings.

We should be the same way, Lord.  We should face our trials head on and allow You to carry us through.  We should not fear the storms.  We should simply allow You to do Your work and look forward to the new self that we will receive when the storm is over.

I can look back on my life and see where the storms have come.  I can remember the tears and the several times that I cried out to You, Lord.  I can remember those hard times, but I also, still to this day, can feel the strength that I gained from that experience.  I still carry the faith that I learned from dealing with that trial.  And I can see several times where I have handled situations differently because through past trials I have learned lessons that make me better at handling trials now that I am older.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  James 1:2-4

I am frustrated in myself, Lord, for always believing that every problem is the end of the world.  I act like there is no solution, no way out.  I act with no faith.  Why do I doubt You?  I should know that everything is going to be okay because never have You steered me wrong.  Never have You left me alone, and never have You given up on me. 

Lord, please help me to face my trials with joy like You say to do in James.  Help me to allow You to mold and make me to where I am lacking nothing, even if that means having to face storms to get there.  It is much easier said than done when it comes to dealing with the storms in my life, but I have faith knowing that no matter what pain I will bear I will not have to bear it alone.  You are my strength.  You are my reason for living and You are what gets me through each storm.  I pray that as the storms come I am focused on You instead of the lightning and thunder.  I pray that I never lose sight of You and I pray that I handle the storm with faith.  I pray that I make You proud, and I pray that I enjoy the perseverance that I gain from having faced the storm.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Yoke Is Easy And My Burden Is Light

Matthew 11:28-30

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another amazing day.  It's nap time here and both of my children are sound asleep in their rooms.  It has been a blessing from You that they both are such good afternoon nappers.  It gives this Mama a chance to catch up on things, including my time with You.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30

This is one of those popular verses in the Bible that many people turn to for comfort when they are going through life's troubles.  This verse is meant for everyone in the world because I don't know a single person who is not weary and feeling burdened.  You gave us a glorious world to live in and due to our sin it has become such a hard place to live, and You knew that and that is why You gave us this verse.

Everyone has their own set of struggles and burdens.  Everyone is facing trials that are impossible to carry alone.  My husband and I have gotten to where we enjoy watching the show Cops at night.  It amazes us when we watch how these people act and the dumb decisions that they make.  For example, we saw an episode where police set up an undercover cop as a prostitute to walk the streets.  Men would drive up and tell her what they want, then she would tell them to meet her behind the building where instead of the prostitute a group of cops would show up..  There was one particular man that I will never forget.  He had to be at least 65 years old and did like all the others.  He stopped to talk to the undercover cop prostitute, then he drove behind the building to wait for her but, of course, the cops showed up instead.  This man was obviously heartbroken.  You could tell he instantly regretted his decision and was all of a sudden worried about his wife whom he had dropped off at Wal-Mart and needed to pick up in 15 minutes.  The man kept asking, "Do you think my wife will find out about this?....Do you think my wife will find out about this?"  This story reminded me that these aren't just actors doing dumb things on TV to make us laugh but actual human beings who have made very bad decisions probably as a result of facing their burdens alone.  It is impossible to handle the worldly burdens without You, Lord. 

I believe that there are several ways that You give us the strength to make it through this world. 

1.  Our Christian family.  Those wonderful people that we make a point to go see every Sunday to encourage and receive encouragement.  They are there to send cards or texts, give a hug, or say a prayer.  They are the warriors fighting alongside us and are dependable to be there in our time of need, just like we should be there for them.

2.  The Bible.  You give us amazing verses like Matthew 11:28-30 to lift us up in our time of need and remind us of Your amazing love.  You give us guidelines to follow to make life easier and You show us how to straighten up our life after we have fallen away from those guidelines.  You send us love letters through Your Word along with giving us pep talks, constructive criticism, pats on the back, and stories from the good ole days of those who have struggled just like us and conquered it. 

3.  The Holy Spirit.  You give us this gift to help us through those times when we basically need picked up and carried.  The thought of facing the battle of losing a loved one absolutely terrifies me and I honestly have no idea how I would handle it, but I've heard from enough people that know from experience that when a time like that comes we become filled with almost a supernatural strength to get through it.  That strength is none other than Your amazing Holy Spirit.  It's just another version of You living inside of me.

4.  And the best way You give us the strength we need is simply from You being You.  You hear our prayers and answer them better than we could ever imagine.  You send us people, angels even, who take us in and help us when we need it.  You give us opportunities to give to others which in turn brightens our own situation.  You fill our hearts with peace.  And You promise that this time on earth won't last forever, but that soon we will be in Your arms.... Your gentle arms as you describe them in Matthew 11:29. 

Thank You, Lord, for caring enough about me to help me through the times when I can't make it alone.  Thank You, that despite the many times I let You down You never let me down.  I pray that when I am faced with burdens that I waste no time giving them straight over to You and that I take advantage of the many amazing ways that You provide strength to those who love You.  I feel so blessed to have you behind me all the way.  I love You, Lord, In Jesus name, Amen!

*From Google pictures*

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Day Full Of Serving Not Sleeping

Proverbs 20:13

Dear Heavenly Father,

As a little girl....that is until the day I left for college, my dad would always be the one to wake me up in the morning, and every morning it would take him three tries to get me out of bed.  He would come in once and say, "It's time to get up."  The second time he would come in and say, "You don't wanna sleep your life away."  Which at the time didn't sound like a bad idea at all.  And then the third time he would come in singing, "I woke up this mornin' feelin' fine....I woke up with heaven on my mind...."  And, Lord, you know good and well that you didn't bless my father with a good singing voice, and I think part of that reason was just so he could get me out of bed in the morning.  Once my dad started singing I couldn't wake up fast enough just to get the noise to stop.  A bad singing voice is the last thing you wanna hear early in the morning.

The verse that struck a cord with me today, Lord, has to do with sleep and it comes from Proverbs 20:13.

"Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."

You know, Lord, often times there will be something festering in my heart that I know I need to change but I will continue to ignore it or make excuses for it.  Then I will read a passage like this one in the Bible that knocks me in the head and finally kicks my butt in gear.  I know full well that I need to spend my days productive, serving You, helping others, and doing the work of a mom and wife.  There are often days where I want to just lay around with the kids and be lazy.  I give the excuse that I'm not technically doing "nothing" because I'm spending quality time with my children, but me being lazy is not good for my kids to see.  What am I teaching them by sitting on my rear all day.  There is a time to sit and play with them and there is a time to get up and get things done, and I believe that they need to see plenty of both.

I do believe that some people are blessed with higher energy than others.....and I just happen to be one of those 'others.'  My whole life I have needed a lot of sleep.  I remember as a little girl going to spend the night with a friend and staying up late only to end up sick for the next few days because I didn't get the sleep I needed.  I am not one of those high energy people that go, go, go constantly. 

But, Lord, after reading this verse I am reminded that the sleepy heads aren't rewarded.  It's the ones who work hard that are rewarded.  I'm almost certain, Lord, that you mean this verse in two different ways.  I think You mean it literally, in that the more we work, the more food we will have left over.  The more money we will have, in other words.  The less we will have to worry about food or money or other life essentials.  We will work hard and in return provide our family with all they need and more.  But I also believe You mean this spiritually.  If we let our faith go on autopilot or we slack in our work for You then we will not find the abundance of blessings that You could be providing for us had we been productive and serving You.  When we are awake we are given the opportunity to learn more, to serve more, to give more.  When we are asleep we are given no opportunities and therefore no rewards.  I don't think this is one of those commandments where it will keep us from spending eternity with You, Lord, but I do believe that You are trying to make our lives better here on earth by giving us this wise advice.

Sleep is one of those wonderful blessings, Lord, that You have given to us to enjoy.  And it should be enjoyed, but it should be done at the right time and for the right amount of time.  I also believe, Lord, that You have given us the tools and resources we need in order to have energy....and I don't just mean caffeine.  I'm talking about our diet.  I believe that many of the foods we eat today only make it harder for our body to function day in and day out like it should.  I am only saying this because for the last two months or so I have cut out sugar, starch, grains, and dairy and I feel absolutely amazing.  I don't even need a nap anymore.  I have more energy to get stuff done and I feel great the whole day through.  And then come bed time I have noticed that I fall asleep quickly and despite waking up with the kids often I still get a very restful nights sleep.  I think food is one of the many tools that we can use to get us up and going through out the day to serve You more. 

I pray, Lord, that I remember this verse, and that today and everyday after I will use my day wisely....full of serving and not sleeping.  Lord, I know that serving honors You and that sleeping the day away does nobody any good.  Give me the energy to be productive and give me wisdom to fill my days with the things that honor You.  Thank you for the blessing of sleep and I pray that I use it in the way You ask me to in Proverbs 20:13.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Titus 2

"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.  Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the Word of God."
Titus 2:3-5

Dear Heavenly Father,

What a strong powerful message You send to women in Titus 2.  Every time I read this scripture I feel convicted on things that I need to improve on.  I want to be the type of woman that You are proud of, Lord.  Although there are many places that a woman is needed in this world the first place is in her home.  You make that very clear.  I'm not here to judge those who decide to work outside the home.  I am simply speaking from my perspective and my convicted heart that I need to be home with my family.  And, Lord, thanks to Your blessing of an amazing husband I also have a man by my side who feels the same way.

Lord, my son is 2  years old and my daughter is 2 months old and I still often get asked when do I plan on going back to work.  It is amazing how in today's world it is so uncommon to find a stay at home mom.  I will admit that after being a stay at home mom for 2+ years it is a lot harder than it looks.  That is why there are so many books out there offering advice on how to do it.  It isn't easy but you didn't say it would be easy, Lord.  You simply said that it is the way it should be done as to not malign Your Word.

After doing some reading on being a stay at home mom I came across some interesting statistics.

The Numbers

According to the US Census Bureau there are 85.4 million mothers in the US.  Out of that 85.4 million only 5 million are stay-at-home moms.

Happier Marriages

Studies show that couples who take on traditional roles in the home, where the wife does the majority of the house work and the husband contributes in other areas (such as being the main breadwinner), are more likely to stay married.  Those who split the household chores evenly are 50% more likely to divorce.  (Nova study)

Healthier Families

Children with working mothers are more likely to consume more sugary food and drink,  they watch more TV, have longer computer time and exercise slightly less. (Institute of Child Health)

Happier Children

Children who are cared for by a stay-at-home mom vs. a daycare facility have less behavioral problems, better social skills, more self-control and less tendency towards fighting, arguing, expressing anger and acting impulsively. (Lisa N. Hickman, Journal of Family Issues)
In addition to these benefits stay-at-home moms have more flexibility, reported better marital intimacy, closer family bonds and the ability to have more influence and time to instill personal beliefs and conviction in their children.

What It’s Worth

Research says that on average stay-at-home moms work 94hrs per week. If a homemaker were to be paid a salary for housekeeping, laundry, cooking, caring for children, etc. her average income would be $113,500 per year. (  I would also assume this annual salary would be significantly raised for a homeschool mom if you were to include a teacher’s salary.
 *found at* 

It is so unbelievably important for my children and my husband that I am home.  But, all the same, it is important that I am home doing what You want me to do, Lord.  That means training our children in the way You want them to be trained which isn't always an easy task and is something that I am convicted to constantly improve.  It also means to get my work done so my husband can come home and rest and enjoy his family and so that the kids can enjoy him.  It means having self-control, working hard, listening to my husband, and always showing love and kindness.  

Nothing about being a stay at home mom is easy but it is full of blessings.  I feel so very grateful that You asked women to do this job because honestly, Lord, I love every minute of it.  I know that every day I get to wake up and experience life through my children's eyes.  I get to constantly remind them of my love for them and Your love for them.  I get to watch them grow and see them experience so many firsts.  And best of all, I know I am right where You want me to be.

To my surprise, Lord, I came across an article in that is written by a woman who actually regrets being a stay at home mom.  Usually it's the other way around, but I read the entire article thinking the title of the article was just to pull readers in and she was actually going to say that you will never regret being their for your kids.  However, I was wrong, and she truly regretted being a stay at home mom, but after reading her several reasons why she regretted it was amazing to me how selfish each reason was.  These were her 9 reasons why she regrets ever becoming a stay at home mom.  

1.  I let down those who went before me. 

2.  I used my driver's license far more than my degrees.

3.  My kids think I did nothing. 

4.  My world narrowed. 

5.  I got sucked into a mountain of volunteer work. 

6.  I worried more. 

7.  I slipped into a more traditional marriage. 

8.  I became outdated.

9.  I lowered my sights and lost confidence. 

To me, Lord, every one of these reasons seem all about her and very worldly.  She admits in her article that she enjoyed watching her children grow up, but my guess is, Lord, she was doing what you asked of her by being at home but she wasn't at all happy about it and I guarantee her kids knew that.  It's not just about staying at home, but it's about being the woman You need us to be at home.

Lord, I desire to be a Titus 2 woman for my family.  Please continue to convict me in areas I need to improve on.  Help me to give all of myself to You and my family so that they will reap the many benefits and blessings of having a stay at home wife/mom.  Give me the wisdom and understanding when talking to other women who don't feel the same way.  And thank you for this amazing role that I get to play in life.  I love you, Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.